a plastic cube has 6 different faces. each face is painted either orange, yellow or green. the cube is rolled 36 times, and the results are: orange is 12, yellow is 6, and green is 18. how many faces of the plastic cube would you expect to be painted yellow?

the answer choices are 1; 2; 3; or 6.
How do I solve this?

See my answer below.

18/36 gr = 3/6

12/36 or = 2/6
6/36 y = 1/6
so One

To solve this problem, we need to determine the expected number of faces that would be painted yellow based on the provided data.

First, let's calculate the probability of getting a yellow face when the cube is rolled. We divide the number of yellow faces rolled by the total number of rolls:
Probability of getting a yellow face = (Number of times yellow is rolled) / (Total number of rolls)
Probability of getting a yellow face = 6 / 36
Probability of getting a yellow face = 1 / 6

Now, to find the expected number of faces to be painted yellow, we multiply the probability of getting a yellow face by the total number of faces on the cube:
Expected number of faces painted yellow = (Probability of getting a yellow face) * (Total number of faces)
Expected number of faces painted yellow = (1 / 6) * 6
Expected number of faces painted yellow = 1

Therefore, we would expect only 1 face of the plastic cube to be painted yellow.

The correct answer is 1.