i need a sentences.

one with a pronoun then conjuction, pronoun, helping verb, verb, prep, pronoun.

Study this site. It will help you write your sentences and identify the parts of speech.


Do you need a sentence containing all of that? Or do you need a sentence with just a pronoun first. Then a sentence containing all of that. Please clarify.

I like to play with toys. - Pronoun sentence

That sentence also contains a verb, noun, and preposition.

i need a sentence with al that

She and I are drinking a toast to them.

Certainly! Here's an example of a sentence with a pronoun, conjunction, pronoun, helping verb, verb, preposition, and pronoun:

"He and I will meet at the park near them."

Want to know how to construct a similar sentence yourself? Let's break it down:

1. Start with a pronoun: Choose a pronoun to begin the sentence. For example, "He."

2. Add a conjunction: Select a conjunction to connect the two pronouns you'll use. In this case, "and."

3. Include a pronoun: Decide on a pronoun to follow the conjunction. We can use "I" here.

4. Include a helping verb and verb: Choose a helping verb and a verb to complete the sentence. For instance, "will meet."

5. Add a preposition: Select a preposition to show the relationship between the verb and the next pronoun. In our example, "at" is the preposition.

6. Finish with a pronoun: Decide on a final pronoun to end the sentence. We'll use "them" here.

Combine all these elements, and you'll have a sentence like the one provided above.