Why should the notes that are incorporated into the Financial Statements data should provide anyone with enough information to accurately assess the impact of the change, either positive or negative?

The notes incorporated into the Financial Statements data play a crucial role in providing additional context and details that help users accurately assess the impact of any changes, whether positive or negative. Here's why:

1. Disclosure of accounting policies: The notes typically include a summary of the significant accounting policies followed by the company. These policies outline the methods and principles applied in recording and presenting financial information. Understanding these policies is vital for users to interpret the financial statements correctly.

2. Explanation of accounting estimates: Companies often make various estimates and assumptions while preparing financial statements. The notes provide insights into these estimates, such as depreciation methods, contingent liabilities, and fair value measurements. Users can evaluate the impact of changes in these estimates on the financial statements' accuracy.

3. Impact of significant transactions: The notes disclose information about significant transactions that may not be easily apparent from the main financial statements. For example, if a company recently acquired another business, the notes might explain the details of the acquisition, including the purchase price allocation and the effect on the financial statements.

4. Clarification of complex transactions: In some cases, financial transactions might be complex and require additional explanation. The notes can provide detailed information about such transactions, helping users understand their impact and implications. Examples include lease accounting, derivatives, and revenue recognition for long-term contracts.

5. Risk and uncertainties: The notes often include discussions on the company's risk exposures, including the potential impact of legal disputes, regulatory changes, or changing market conditions. This information helps users assess the company's overall risk profile and potential future outcomes.

By providing this supplementary information, the notes enable users to piece together a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the financial statements. They provide the necessary context, explanations, and details required to make informed assessments of any changes, positive or negative, in a company's financial position and performance.