An egg has all components to start life except what from sperm?

Doesn't the egg only have half the DNA it needs?

i got it DNA

To answer the question, we need to understand the components present in both the egg and the sperm that are necessary for life.

An egg, also known as an ovum, is a large reproductive cell produced by females. It contains various components necessary for fertilization and early development, including genetic material (in the form of chromosomes), cytoplasm (containing various organelles), and nutrient reserves.

On the other hand, sperm is a small reproductive cell produced by males. It also carries genetic material in the form of chromosomes. Sperm cells are equipped with a flagellum (tail) that facilitates movement towards the egg for fertilization.

So, what component is missing in the egg that is present in the sperm? The answer is the genetic material from the male, specifically the sperm's chromosomes.

To get this answer, you can gather information about the components present in both the egg and the sperm. The basic understanding of human reproduction will help here. Additionally, referring to biology textbooks, online educational resources, or consulting experts in the field would provide more detailed and accurate information about the subject.