Identify the sentence with correct pronoun-antecedent agreement.

a)Neither of the boys submitted his essay on time.
b)Neither of the boys submitted their essay on time.

I think it is b but i am not sure.

This time you're wrong.

Since the antecedent, "neither," is singular, you need a singular pronoun to refer to it.

The correct answer is A

Ignore the others it is b you are right. I am an english teacher so I think I should know.

To identify the sentence with correct pronoun-antecedent agreement, we need to consider the antecedent (the word the pronoun refers to) and ensure that the pronoun agrees with it in terms of singular or plural form.

In this case, the antecedent is "the boys." "Boys" is a plural noun, so the pronoun should also be plural. Let's analyze the options:

a) "Neither of the boys submitted his essay on time."
Here, the pronoun "his" is singular, which does not agree with the plural antecedent "the boys." Therefore, option a is incorrect.

b) "Neither of the boys submitted their essay on time."
In this option, the pronoun "their" is plural, matching the plural antecedent "the boys." Therefore, option b is correct.

So, your initial instinct is correct. The sentence with correct pronoun-antecedent agreement is b) "Neither of the boys submitted their essay on time."