5 Times the numerator of the solution to 7|8-3h|=21h-49

To find 5 times the numerator of the solution to the equation 7|8-3h|=21h-49, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Solve the equation.
Step 2: Find the numerator of the solution.
Step 3: Multiply it by 5.

Let's go through each step in detail:

Step 1: Solve the equation.

Start by isolating the absolute value expression. Divide both sides of the equation by 7 to get rid of the coefficient:

|8 - 3h| = 3h - 7

Next, we need to consider two cases since the absolute value can lead to two possible solutions depending on whether the expression inside it is positive or negative.

Case 1: (8 - 3h) is positive (8 - 3h > 0)

In this case, we can write the equation without the absolute value:

8 - 3h = 3h - 7

Add 3h to both sides and add 7 to both sides to isolate h:

8 + 7 = 3h + 3h

15 = 6h

Divide both sides by 6:

15/6 = h

h = 2.5

Case 2: (8 - 3h) is negative (8 - 3h < 0)

In this case, the equation becomes:

-(8 - 3h) = 3h - 7

Distribute the negative sign inside the parentheses:

-8 + 3h = 3h - 7

Subtract 3h from both sides and add 8 to both sides to isolate h:

-8 + 8 = 3h - 3h

0 = -7

There is no solution for this case.

So, the solution to the equation is h = 2.5.

Step 2: Find the numerator of the solution.

The numerator of a number can be found by converting it into a fraction with 1 as the denominator.

For the solution h = 2.5, we can rewrite it as a fraction:

2.5 = 2.5/1

The numerator of the solution is 2.5.

Step 3: Multiply the numerator by 5.

To get 5 times the numerator, multiply it by 5:

5 × 2.5 = 12.5

So, 5 times the numerator of the solution to the equation 7|8-3h|=21h-49 is 12.5.