can someone please help me with this elimination methods problem?

solve using the elimination method and give the ordered pair...

I would multiply through by 100 to clear the decimals first.

15x+5y= 1200

You can either multiply the top clear through by -3 to get rid of the x's or do that with -5 on the bottom to make the y's drop out. Get rid of a variable letter so that only there is only one left standing by figuring out how you can wind up with opposites that add up to zero. Once you have solved for one thing, you can go back and substitute that back in to find the other thing (i.e. plug and chug)


Sure, I can help you solve this problem using the elimination method. The elimination method involves multiplying one or both of the equations by a constant so that when you add or subtract them, one of the variables cancels out.

Let's begin by multiplying the first equation by 20 and the second equation by 100 to eliminate the decimals. This will give us:

20(0.05x + 0.25y) = 20(11)
100(0.15x + 0.05y) = 100(12)

Simplifying these equations, we get:

x + 5y = 220 (equation 1)
15x + 5y = 1200 (equation 2)

Now, we can subtract equation 1 from equation 2 to eliminate the variable "y". This gives us:

(15x + 5y) - (x + 5y) = 1200 - 220
15x + 5y - x - 5y = 980
14x = 980
x = 980 / 14
x = 70

Now, substitute the value of x back into equation 1 or 2 to solve for y. Let's use equation 1:

x + 5y = 220
70 + 5y = 220
5y = 220 - 70
5y = 150
y = 150 / 5
y = 30

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is (x, y) = (70, 30).