what is the way to know what was Thales statement ?

He had two theorems: The first had to do with a triangle inscribed in a circle, with one of the triangle sides being the diameter. The second, was his statements on proportional line segments:


If you really want to explore how his name got attached to these statements:


An excellent article. Yes, we have no evidence that Thales actually discovered these principles.

To know what Thales' statement was, you would need to consult historical sources and texts that mention Thales and his ideas. Thales was a pre-Socratic philosopher from Ancient Greece, and much of what we know about his philosophy comes from secondary sources since his written works have not survived. Here are some steps you can take to find out about Thales' statement:

1. Read primary sources: Thales' own writings may not be available, but there might be references to his works in other ancient texts. Look for ancient works by authors such as Aristotle, Herodotus, and Plato, who often referred to Thales and his ideas.

2. Consult secondary sources: Since Thales' primary works are not available, historians and philosophers have written about him based on the information from primary sources. Look for books, articles, and scholarly papers that discuss Thales and his philosophy. These secondary sources will provide analysis and interpretation of Thales' ideas.

3. Study ancient philosophy: Thales was part of the early period of philosophy in Ancient Greece. To understand his statement, it is essential to study the broader context of ancient philosophy, including other pre-Socratic philosophers. This will allow you to see Thales' ideas in relation to other philosophical schools of thought.

4. Look for consensus among scholars: The interpretation of Thales' statement might vary among different scholars. Read multiple sources and compare the interpretations and arguments put forth by different experts. Look for areas of consensus and key points of agreement among scholars to get a comprehensive understanding of Thales' statement.

Remember that the understanding of Thales' statement might not be definitive due to the lack of direct sources. However, by undertaking a thorough study and analysis of available evidence, you can gain a better understanding of Thales' philosophy and his contributions to ancient Greek thought.