what does this quote mean? "everyman, wherever he goes, is encompassed by a cloud of comforting convictions, which move with him like flies on a summer day" by Bertrand Russel.

can somebody help me with this. thx

There used to be a character in the very popular comic strip "Peanuts" called Pigpen:


Use the image of this character with the dust around him. It'll help understanding this.

"Comforting convictions" (to me) refer to those beliefs each of us has, whether they are true or not, that we continue to believe because they are familiar and make us feel safe and comfortable. They may be major ideas, such as religious or political; they may be rather mundane ideas, such as "one mustn't spend money unless it's absolutely necessary" or "kids should get their homework done before dinner if at all possible."

See definitions 2 and 3 here.


I am reminded of the stories and excuses convicted criminals tell why they should not be in prison.

Certainly! The quote you mentioned is from the philosopher Bertrand Russell. Let's break it down to understand its meaning.

"Everyman, wherever he goes" refers to each and every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances.

"Is encompassed by a cloud of comforting convictions" means that we all carry beliefs, ideas, and opinions that provide us with a sense of reassurance or certainty about the world around us. These convictions often form a sort of protective barrier, shielding us from doubt or skepticism.

"Which move with him like flies on a summer day" suggests that these comforting convictions are like flies that constantly surround us, persistently buzzing in our ears. This image highlights how these beliefs are always present, following us wherever we go and influencing our thoughts and actions.

Overall, Russell's quote implies that individuals tend to hold onto their beliefs tightly, finding comfort and security in them. These convictions shape our perspectives, guide our decisions, and become an integral part of who we are.