I need a part order module for parallel array named OrderNums

To create a part order module using parallel arrays with the name "OrderNums," you'll need to define two separate arrays: one for the order numbers and another for the corresponding parts. Here's an example of how you can implement this in Python:

# Initialize the arrays
order_nums = []
parts = []

# Function to add a new order
def add_order(order_num, part):

# Function to find a part by order number
def find_part_by_order_num(order_num):
# Iterate over the order_nums array
for i in range(len(order_nums)):
if order_nums[i] == order_num:
return parts[i]

# Return None if order number not found
return None

# Example usage
add_order(12345, "Part 1")
add_order(67890, "Part 2")

part = find_part_by_order_num(12345)
if part is not None:
print("Part found:", part)
print("Part not found.")

In this example, the `add_order()` function is used to add a new order by appending the order number to the `order_nums` array and the corresponding part to the `parts` array.

The `find_part_by_order_num()` function allows you to search for a part using the given order number. It iterates over the `order_nums` array and checks if each element is equal to the input `order_num`. If a match is found, it returns the corresponding part. If no match is found, it returns `None`.

Note that this is just a basic implementation example, and you can expand and adapt it according to your specific requirements.