Need help with this--

16. The exoskeleton of an insect
a. does not have any muscles attached to it
b. is moved by muscles that are attached to the inside of the exoskeleton
c. is thickest where the joints of the appendages are located
d. is moved only by muscles attached to the wings


The picture on the bottom is disgusting!

But is it B?


I'm sorry you think it's disgusting. I'm in awe of nature that has devised such a neat way for an insect to grow.

Yes. B is the answer.

Well yeah, I mean, it's great and all, but it doesn't exactly look that great. :/


To answer this question, we need to determine the characteristics of an insect's exoskeleton.

The exoskeleton of an insect is its external hard covering that protects and supports its body. It is made of a tough substance called chitin. Now let's analyze each option to find the correct answer:

a. Does not have any muscles attached to it: This option is not correct because an insect's exoskeleton is moved by muscles.

b. Is moved by muscles that are attached to the inside of the exoskeleton: This option is correct. Muscles inside the insect's body are attached to the exoskeleton and allow it to move.

c. Is thickest where the joints of the appendages are located: This option is partially correct. The exoskeleton is indeed thicker at the joints to provide strength and support.

d. Is moved only by muscles attached to the wings: This option is not correct because the exoskeleton is moved by muscles attached to various body parts, not just the wings.

Therefore, the correct answer is option b: The exoskeleton of an insect is moved by muscles that are attached to the inside of the exoskeleton.