a road trip has a scale of 5/8 inches for every 125 miles.. how many inches would be needed to represent 1000 miles on the map?

Let's set up a proportion with x representing the inches need to represent 1,000 miles.

(5/8)/125 = x/1000
125x = 625
x = 5 inches

To find out how many inches would be needed to represent 1000 miles on the map, we can use a proportion.

The given scale is 5/8 inches for every 125 miles. We can set up the proportion by equating the distance on the map (x inches) to the actual distance (1000 miles).

So, we have the proportion:

5/8 inches = 125 miles
x inches = 1000 miles

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply.

(5/8) * 1000 miles = 125 miles * x inches

Simplifying, we get:

(5 * 1000) / 8 miles = 125 miles * x inches

Dividing both sides by 125 miles, we have:

[(5 * 1000) / 8 miles] / 125 miles = x inches

Now, let's calculate the answer:

[(5 * 1000) / 8] / 125 = x inches

5000 / 8 = x inches

625 = x inches

Therefore, 1000 miles on the map would be represented by 625 inches.