how can the mixture of iron fillings and sulphur be separated?

Pick out the Fe pieces with a magnet. Dissolve the S in carbon disulfide.

spread a mixture on a white paper,hold a magnet above the mixture.iron filling are attracted by the magnet while the sulphur remain on the paper

mix the iron filling and sulphate powder and touch with magnet all iron filling attach with magnet.

Separate iron fillings n sulphur using a magnet


The mixture of iron filings and sulfur can be separated by using the physical properties of each component. Here is a step-by-step explanation of how to separate them:

1. Magnetic separation: Since iron filings are magnetic, you can use a magnet to separate them from the mixture. Place a magnet near the mixture and move it around. The iron filings will be attracted to the magnet, making it easy to separate them from the sulfur.

2. Filtration: After magnetic separation, you will still have a mixture of sulfur and possibly some fine iron particles. To remove the remaining iron and purify the sulfur, you can use filtration. Take a filter paper or a fine mesh sieve and pour the mixture through it. The iron particles will be caught by the filter, while the sulfur will pass through.

3. Sublimation: The sulfur that passed through the filter can be further purified using sublimation. Sublimation is a process in which a solid substance directly turns into a gas upon heating without passing through a liquid phase. Place the sulfur in a heat-resistant container and gently heat it. The sulfur will evaporate and then condense on a cooler surface, forming solid sulfur crystals.

By following these steps, you can separate and isolate iron filings from sulphur effectively.