five marbles in a jar are green. the odds against choosing a green marble are "4:1" how many marbles are in the jar

What is 4 * 5?


To determine how many marbles are in the jar, we need to use the concept of odds. The odds against choosing a green marble are given as "4:1".

In odds notation, the odds against an event happening are shown as "a:b", where "a" represents the number of outcomes not happening, and "b" represents the number of outcomes happening.

In this case, the odds are given as "4:1" against choosing a green marble. This means that there are 4 outcomes of not choosing a green marble for every 1 outcome of choosing a green marble.

To find the total number of marbles in the jar, we need to consider both the green marbles and the non-green marbles. Let's assume there are ‘x’ total marbles in the jar.

According to the given odds, the ratio of non-green marbles to green marbles is 4:1. This means that there are 4 non-green marbles for every 1 green marble.

So, the number of non-green marbles is 4 times the number of green marbles. Since we know there are 5 green marbles, the number of non-green marbles is 4 times that: 4 * 5 = 20.

Therefore, the total number of marbles in the jar is the sum of the green and non-green marbles: 5 + 20 = 25.

Hence, there are 25 marbles in the jar.