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Most French nouns, like most English nouns, form their plural by adding s to the singular:


le garçon, the boy les garçons, the boys
l�félève, the pupil les élèves, the pupils
la feuille, the leaf les feuilles, the leaves

Nouns ending in -s, -x or -z remain unchanged in the plural:

le fils, the son les fils, the sons
la voix, the voice les voix, the voices
le nez, the nose les nez, the noses.

Nouns ending in -eau and -eu add x to form the plural. Most nouns ending in -al, change -al to -aux in the plural:

l�foiseau, the bird les oiseaux, the birds
le neveu, the nephew les neveux, the nephews
le cheval, the horse les chevaux, the horses

A few nouns have irregular plurals:

l�foeil (m.), the eye les yeux, the eyes
le ciel, the sky les cieux, the skies
le travail, the work les travaux, the works

P.S. Since I can not copy & paste, I'll wait for what exactly you would like before I type it all over!

The plural of nouns in French can generally be formed by adding "s" to the singular form of the noun. For example, "le garçon" (the boy) becomes "les garçons" (the boys). This is similar to how plurals are formed in English.

Nouns ending in -s, -x, or -z remain unchanged in the plural. For example, "le fils" (the son) becomes "les fils" (the sons), and "la voix" (the voice) becomes "les voix" (the voices).

Nouns ending in -eau and -eu add "x" to form the plural. For example, "le cheval" (the horse) becomes "les chevaux" (the horses), and "l'oiseau" (the bird) becomes "les oiseaux" (the birds).

Most nouns ending in -al change the -al to -aux in the plural. For example, "le travail" (the work) becomes "les travaux" (the works).

There are also a few nouns that have irregular plurals. For example, "l'oeil" (the eye) becomes "les yeux" (the eyes), and "le ciel" (the sky) becomes "les cieux" (the skies).

Remember that while these are general rules, there are exceptions and irregularities in French grammar. It's always good to consult a dictionary or a language resource for specific nouns and their plurals.