What are some examples of regular polyhedra? What are some examples of other important polyhedra? What characteristics help you determine whether a polyhedron is regular or irregular? How can you check for symmetry and rotational symmetry of polyhedra?

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To determine whether a polyhedron is regular or irregular, we need to understand their defining characteristics. A polyhedron is a 3-dimensional solid with flat faces, straight edges, and sharp corners, which are called vertices.

1. Regular Polyhedra: Regular polyhedra are highly symmetric and have faces that are congruent regular polygons, meaning they have equal sides and angles. There are five regular polyhedra, known as the Platonic solids:
a. Tetrahedron: It has four equilateral triangular faces, six edges, and four vertices.
b. Cube: It has six square faces, 12 edges, and eight vertices. It is also known as a hexahedron.
c. Octahedron: It has eight equilateral triangular faces, 12 edges, and six vertices.
d. Dodecahedron: It has twelve regular pentagonal faces, 30 edges, and 20 vertices.
e. Icosahedron: It has twenty equilateral triangular faces, 30 edges, and 12 vertices.

2. Other Important Polyhedra: There are many other polyhedra that are not regular. Some examples include:
a. Cuboid/Rectangular Prism: It has six rectangular faces, 12 edges, and eight vertices.
b. Cylinder: It has two circular faces and one curved surface, with no edges or vertices.
c. Cone: It has one circular face and one curved surface, with one vertex and one edge.
d. Pyramid: It has a polygonal base and triangular faces that meet at a single vertex.
e. Prism: It has two parallel, congruent polygonal bases connected by rectangular faces.

To check for symmetry and rotational symmetry of a polyhedron, here's what you can do:

1. Symmetry: Look for planes of symmetry in the polyhedron. A plane of symmetry is a plane that divides the polyhedron into two mirror-image halves. Count the number of planes of symmetry the polyhedron has. If it has multiple planes of symmetry, it is symmetrical.

2. Rotational Symmetry: Determine the primary rotational axis by imagining rotating the polyhedron. Check how many times the polyhedron repeats itself during a complete rotation. If it rotates and aligns with itself multiple times, it has rotational symmetry. The number of times it repeats itself is called the order of rotational symmetry.

Remember that irregular polyhedra lack the high degree of regularity and symmetry found in regular polyhedra, which makes them fascinating in their own unique way.