Can you writeacher please tell whether or not the following sentences are all possible?As they are not dictionary definitions, I just like to know if they are grammatically correct.

1) An external narrator stands outside the story/is a voice outside the story/ (but not out of the story) .He tells about (is the “about”preposition necessary?) events he has not taken part in. He tells the story from his point of view. /He gives the point of view from which the story is told.
He tells the story using the third person voice. He tells the story in the third person voice (Can I omit “voice”?)
2) A character, who never changes his personality, is called “flat”.If a character changes his personality during the story, he or it (?) is called “round”.
3)Both stanzas describe/refer to/deal with/speak about the mirror. (Which verbs are possible?)
4) The mirror can reflect an object so well that it can see its soul in the object being reflected (how would you express this concept?)
5) The poet compares the mirror to a lake. This (is it correct to use “this” to refer to the lake?) reflect the figure (or the image) of a woman.
6)The mirror stands for/symbolises/represents the natural process of aging. (are all the verbs possible?)
7) A third person omniscient narrator knows everything (and not all?) about both the events and the characters in the story.

1) An external narrator stands outside the story. He tells the story from an external point of view.

2) A character who never changes his personality is called a flat character. If a character changes his personality during the story, he or she is considered a round character.

3) (I'd use "refer to."

4) The mirror reflects the soul of the person looking into it.

5) The poet compares the mirror to a lake which reflects the image of a woman.

6) (All the verbs are possible, but I'd use "symbolises.")

7) A third-person omniscient narrator knows everything about the events and the characters in the story.

1) All of the sentences provided are grammatically correct. Here is a breakdown of each sentence:

- "An external narrator stands outside the story/is a voice outside the story." Both of these phrases convey the idea that the narrator is not a character in the story and is presenting events from an external perspective. The use of the preposition "about" in "He tells about events he has not taken part in" is necessary to express that the narrator is providing information concerning events in which they were not involved. Additionally, the phrase "He gives the point of view from which the story is told" effectively communicates that the narrator provides the perspective through which the story is presented. You can omit "voice" in "He tells the story in the third person voice" if you prefer a simpler sentence structure.

2) Both sentences are correct. "A character, who never changes his personality, is called 'flat'" explains that a flat character remains consistent throughout the story without any notable changes in their personality. Conversely, "If a character changes his personality during the story, he or it is called 'round'" illustrates that a round character evolves or develops in some manner throughout the narrative.

3) All of the verbs you mentioned - "describe," "refer to," "deal with," and "speak about" - are possible options to convey that both stanzas center around or focus on the subject of the mirror.

4) To express the concept that the mirror can reflect an object so well that it reveals its soul, you could say "The mirror can reflect an object with such clarity that it captures the essence or inner being of the reflected object."

5) It is correct to use "this" to refer to the lake when saying "This reflects the figure (or image) of a woman."

6) All of the verbs - "stand for," "symbolize," and "represent" - are suitable options to convey that the mirror represents the natural process of aging.

7) The statement "A third person omniscient narrator knows everything about both the events and the characters in the story" is accurate. This type of narrator possesses complete knowledge regarding both the events and the characters, providing a comprehensive perspective.