Which statements describe cultural influences?

1)Florida is bordered by water on three sides.

2)French is spoken in parts of Louisiana.

3)Forests are cleared to provide space for cattle grazing.

4)Male children are encouraged to attend the university.

5)The longest river on the continent is located here.

6)Birthdays are celebrated on January 1st.

7)Per capita income of northern Buckland is more than $100,000.


thanks a lot

Four of those statements describe cultural influences. Which do you think they are?

i think it might 2 an 3 and maybe 6 as well because cultural influences has tradshon

Yes, 2, 3, and 6 all describe cultural influences. There's one more statement.

thanks an what about 4

What impact did the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics have?

I took that quiz and the answers were, 2 3 4 6 and 7.

Cultural influences refer to aspects of a culture that shape the beliefs, behaviors, and practices of a group of people. From the given statements, the ones that describe cultural influences are:

2) French is spoken in parts of Louisiana: This statement highlights the cultural influence of French settlers in Louisiana, which has resulted in the preservation of French language and culture in certain areas.

3) Forests are cleared to provide space for cattle grazing: This statement reflects the cultural influence of agriculture and the importance placed on cattle rearing in certain regions, which may determine land use practices.

4) Male children are encouraged to attend the university: This statement signifies a cultural influence regarding gender roles and education, suggesting that male children are prioritized or given more encouragement to pursue higher education.

6) Birthdays are celebrated on January 1st: This statement indicates a cultural practice or tradition specific to a certain community or region where birthdays are universally celebrated on January 1st, deviating from a more common practice of celebrating birthdays on an individual's birth date.

Note: The other statements (1, 5, and 7) do not directly relate to cultural influences, but rather provide information about geographic features (1, 5) or economic factors (7) that may not necessarily reflect cultural aspects.

You're welcome.