Prepare a 600 to 700 word analysis of the relationship between humans and time. Include a description of the historical development of the human ability to conceptualize and measure time. Also, examine why humans have a need to measure time, and describe how the ability to measure time has changed human behavior. Give specific examples of how time measurement has changed human behavior. Utilize the APA style; include proper citations. hide problem

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To begin your analysis of the relationship between humans and time, it is important to understand the historical development of the human ability to conceptualize and measure time. By examining this historical context, you can gain insights into why humans have a need to measure time and how this ability has changed human behavior over time.

The measurement of time can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where different methods were utilized to track the passage of time. One significant milestone in the development of time measurement was the creation of calendars. Calendars were developed as a way to organize and track the passage of time, particularly in relation to the Earth's rotation around the sun. The ancient Egyptians, for example, used a yearly calendar that consisted of 12 months, each with 30 days, resulting in a 360-day year.

Another pivotal advancement in the measurement of time was the development of mechanical clocks. The first mechanical clocks emerged in the 14th century and were primarily used by religious institutions to regulate religious services. These clocks utilized mechanisms such as gears and weights to keep time. They paved the way for more accurate timekeeping and became the foundation for the modern clocks we use today.

As the ability to measure time became more accurate and accessible, humans began to recognize the numerous benefits of this capability. One key reason humans have a need to measure time is the desire for order and organization in their lives. Time measurement provides structure and allows for the coordination of various activities and events. For instance, scheduling appointments, coordinating transportation, and managing work schedules all require an understanding of time.

In addition to providing structure, the ability to measure time has also significantly influenced human behavior. One notable example is the industrial revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries, which brought about a fundamental shift in how societies organized their work. The invention of accurate timekeeping devices, such as the pendulum clock, enabled the standardization of working hours and the implementation of time-based systems of production.

The concept of clock time, which divides the day into specific intervals, introduced a new level of efficiency, productivity, and coordination. Instead of relying on natural phenomena like sunrise and sunset to determine work hours, the clock allowed for a more precise allocation of time. The introduction of clocks in factories revolutionized labor practices, leading to the establishment of fixed working hours and increased productivity.

Another example of how time measurement has changed human behavior can be seen in the transportation sector. With the advent of accurate timekeeping devices, the concept of schedules and timetables emerged. The introduction of railroads in the 19th century revolutionized travel by enabling people to travel longer distances in shorter periods of time. Timetables were created to ensure that trains arrived and departed at specific times, allowing for efficient transportation and the coordination of multiple journeys.

Moreover, the ability to measure time accurately has also impacted communication and globalization. With the invention of telegraph systems in the 19th century, people could communicate rapidly across large distances. Time synchronization became vital for coordinating messages and ensuring accurate communication, leading to the establishment of global time standards like Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) in the 19th century and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in the 20th century.

In conclusion, the historical development of the human ability to conceptualize and measure time has had a profound impact on human behavior. The need to measure time arises from our desire for order and organization in our lives. From the development of calendars and mechanical clocks to the establishment of clock time and the implementation of schedules and timetables, the ability to measure time has revolutionized various aspects of human life, including work, transportation, and communication. This understanding of the relationship between humans and time provides insights into how our society and behavior have been shaped by our ability to measure time accurately.