(NH4)2SO4 How many atoms

There is no (NH4)2SO4 in the ocean. What components are there are dissolved and only the ions are present.

Take you pick and you will be right. How many atom in WHAT (NH4)2SO4. A bucket? A cup? A railroad car? The ocean?

the ocean

To determine the number of atoms in (NH4)2SO4, you need to calculate the total number of atoms present in this compound.

(NH4)2SO4 is the chemical formula for ammonium sulfate.

First, let's break down the compound:

- (NH4) indicates that there is an ammonium ion.
- NH4 is composed of one nitrogen atom (N) and four hydrogen atoms (H).

Next, we have SO4, which indicates the sulfate ion.
- SO4 is composed of one sulfur atom (S) and four oxygen atoms (O).

Now, let's calculate the number of atoms in (NH4)2SO4:

1. Ammonium ion ((NH4)+):
Since there are two ammonium ions in (NH4)2SO4, we have:
2 * (1 nitrogen atom + 4 hydrogen atoms) = 2 * (1 + 4) = 10 atoms

2. Sulfate ion ((SO4)2-):
There is one sulfate ion in (NH4)2SO4, so we have:
1 * (1 sulfur atom + 4 oxygen atoms) = 1 * (1 + 4) = 5 atoms

Finally, we add the number of atoms from the ammonium ion and the sulfate ion to get the total number of atoms in (NH4)2SO4:

10 atoms (ammonium ion) + 5 atoms (sulfate ion) = 15 atoms

Therefore, there are 15 atoms in one molecule of ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2SO4.