10. Which of the following is NOT true about the digestive system of annelids?

a. It contains setae to move the food through the anus
b. It is similar to an open tube
c. It passes nutrients through the intestinal wall to the bloodstream
d. It stores soil in the crop and grinds it up in the gizzard

12. Jointed appendages of arthropods may
a. sense the environment
b. function in locomotion
c. function in feeding
d. all of the above

15. The appendages of arthropods may function in all of the following ways EXCEPT to
a. serve as walking legs
b. be modified into antennae
c. be modified into large pincers
d. be modified into parapodia


To answer these questions, we can go through each option and eliminate the false statements.

10. Which of the following is NOT true about the digestive system of annelids?

a. It contains setae to move the food through the anus: This statement is true. Annelids have setae, bristle-like structures, on each segment of their body which help in locomotion and movement of food.

b. It is similar to an open tube: This statement is true. The digestive system of annelids is indeed similar to an open tube, with a mouth at the anterior end and an anus at the posterior end.

c. It passes nutrients through the intestinal wall to the bloodstream: This statement is true. In annelids, nutrients are absorbed through the intestinal wall and then transported to the bloodstream.

d. It stores soil in the crop and grinds it up in the gizzard: This statement is false. Annelids, particularly earthworms, do have a crop to temporarily store soil or other ingested material, but they do not possess a gizzard to grind it up. Earthworms rely on muscular contractions of their digestive tract to break down food particles.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is:
- d. It stores soil in the crop and grinds it up in the gizzard

12. Jointed appendages of arthropods may
a. sense the environment: This statement is true. Arthropod appendages can be highly sensitive to environmental stimuli, allowing them to detect changes in their surroundings.

b. function in locomotion: This statement is true. Arthropod appendages, such as legs and wings, are primarily used for locomotion.

c. function in feeding: This statement is true. Arthropods, with various mouthparts like pincers, mandibles, or proboscis, use their appendages for feeding.

d. all of the above: This statement is true. Arthropod appendages can indeed perform all of the mentioned functions.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is:
- d. all of the above

15. The appendages of arthropods may function in all of the following ways EXCEPT to
a. serve as walking legs: This statement is true. Arthropod appendages, particularly legs, are often used for walking and/or running.

b. be modified into antennae: This statement is true. Some arthropods, like insects, have modified appendages called antennae that are used for sensing their environment.

c. be modified into large pincers: This statement is true. In some arthropods, like crustaceans or scorpions, certain appendages are modified into large pincers for grasping or defense.

d. be modified into parapodia: This statement is false. Parapodia are specialized appendages found in some marine worms like polychaetes. These appendages function in locomotion and respiration.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is:
- d. be modified into parapodia

The answers to the questions are:
10. The statement that is NOT true about the digestive system of annelids is d. It stores soil in the crop and grinds it up in the gizzard.
12. The statement that is true about the jointed appendages of arthropods is d. all of the above.
15. The statement that is NOT true about the appendages of arthropods is d. be modified into parapodia.