Discuss the divisions between the traditionalists and moderate Indians from WWII on. Why does this war help to produce a sharp division between them? How did the actions of the government fully deepen it?

Can someone help me break this question down and also if someone can help me find a specific website i can use to help answer this question?

You'll need to

1. Find the differences between today's traditional and modern (moderate) Indians. If you Google Native American traditional, you'll find many sites that discuss traditional arts, foods, culture, language, religion, and medicine. Modern Indians have assimilated into American society.

2. How did World War II change many Indians?

3. What did the U.S. government do to help make these changes?

This website discusses Native Americans in WWII.


Sure! Let's break down the question into its main components:

1. Divisions between traditionalists and moderate Indians from WWII onwards: This refers to the differing viewpoints and approaches of two groups of Indians during and after World War II.

2. The impact of the war in producing a sharp division: The question is asking why and how the war contributed to the emergence of a clear division between traditionalists and moderate Indians.

3. The actions of the government in deepening the division: This part of the question pertains to the role of the government in exacerbating the differences between the two groups.

Now, to find a specific website that can provide information on this topic, you can start with reliable sources such as academic databases, historical archives, or reputable news outlets. Here are a few suggestions:

1. JSTOR (www.jstor.org): JSTOR is a digital library that provides access to thousands of academic articles and resources. It is a great resource for scholarly research on various topics, including the divisions between traditionalists and moderate Indians during and after WWII.

2. National Archives of India (www.nationalarchives.gov.in): This official website of the National Archives of India offers valuable historical documents, records, and resources that can shed light on the topic you're exploring.

3. BBC History (www.bbc.co.uk/history): The BBC History website provides a wide range of historical articles, information, and resources. It may have relevant articles or resources related to the divisions between traditionalists and moderate Indians during World War II.

Remember, always critically evaluate the information you find and cross-reference multiple sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.