what does this quote mean? "truth should be held sacred, at whatever cost"

Sometimes the cost of being true, and accountalbe to tell the truth, costs us time, money, effort, and embarassement.

Many people find it less of a cost to lie.

The quote "truth should be held sacred, at whatever cost" means that the concept of truth should be considered extremely important and should be protected or upheld regardless of the consequences or sacrifices that might be involved.

To understand the meaning of this quote, you can break it down into two main parts:

1. "Truth should be held sacred": This suggests that truth is a fundamental value that should be respected and honored. It implies that honesty and truthfulness are essential virtues.

2. "At whatever cost": This phrase emphasizes that no matter what difficulties or sacrifices one might face, it is still crucial to stick to the truth. It implies that the value of truth surpasses any potential negative consequences or personal losses.

In the context you provided, it highlights that being true and accountable can sometimes come with a price such as investing time and effort, facing financial implications, or even experiencing embarrassment. However, the quote suggests that regardless of these costs, it is essential to prioritize and stand by the truth.

It also acknowledges that many people choose to lie because they consider it less costly or more beneficial in the short term. However, the quote encourages the opposite perspective, stating that truth should be valued above any potential advantages gained from dishonesty.