1.Transition planning for children with special needs should focus primarily on: a.maintaining continuity of services b.getting the child ready for school c.the family's needs d.the child's needs. My answer is d.the child's needs. Will someone please check my answer

Of course, the main consideration is always to meet the needs of the child.

If the child is in the special education system, then the Individual Educational Plan Committee makes these decisions.

To check if your answer is correct, we can analyze each option:

a. Maintaining continuity of services: While it is important to ensure that there is no disruption in services during the transition, this should not be the primary focus of transition planning.

b. Getting the child ready for school: This option may be important when the transition involves moving from one educational setting to another, but it does not encompass the full scope of transition planning.

c. The family's needs: While supporting the family is an essential part of transition planning, it should not be the primary focus. The emphasis should be on the child's needs.

d. The child's needs: Transition planning for children with special needs should primarily focus on meeting the individual needs of the child. This includes identifying and addressing any areas of strength or areas where support is required to ensure a successful transition.

Based on this analysis, it appears that your answer, d. the child's needs, aligns with the most appropriate option. Therefore, your answer is correct.