I need help with properties of a TRAPEZOID, please!

-Are opposite sides congruent AND parallel?
-Are opposite angles congruent?
-Are the diagonals congruent?
-Do the diagonals bisect eachother?

I went on many sites to try and find the answers to these questions but they all told me different things!

A trapezoid has one pair of opposite sides parallel.

Here are some good diagrams,

By looking at the variety of examples you should be able to answer the questions.

I can help you with the properties of a trapezoid!

First, let's address your questions one by one:

1. Are opposite sides congruent AND parallel?
To determine if opposite sides of a trapezoid are congruent, we need additional information such as the lengths of the sides or the angles of the trapezoid. Without this information, we cannot make a definitive statement about the congruence of opposite sides.

However, opposite sides of a trapezoid are always parallel. This means that one pair of opposite sides are parallel to each other.

2. Are opposite angles congruent?
No, opposite angles in a trapezoid are not necessarily congruent. In general, the opposite angles of a trapezoid can have different measures unless the trapezoid is an isosceles trapezoid, in which case the non-parallel sides are congruent and the opposite angles are congruent.

3. Are the diagonals congruent?
The diagonals of a trapezoid are not necessarily congruent. The length of the diagonals depends on the specific dimensions and properties of the trapezoid. Without more information about the trapezoid, we cannot determine if the diagonals are congruent.

4. Do the diagonals bisect each other?
The diagonals of a trapezoid do not bisect each other. In a trapezoid, the diagonals only intersect each other at a point, but they do not divide each other into equal parts.

It's important to note that the properties of a trapezoid can vary depending on its specific characteristics, such as whether it is an isosceles trapezoid or a right trapezoid. So, it's always helpful to have additional information to determine these properties more precisely.