is it possible to convert

British thermal unit/ pound*Rankine to pound force*ft/pound mass Fahrenheit?

if so, what is the conversion to and from?

Yes, it is possible to convert British thermal unit/pound*Rankine (BTU/lb*R) to pound force*ft/pound mass Fahrenheit (lbf*ft/lb*°F).

To convert from BTU/lb*R to lbf*ft/lb*°F, you need to know the conversion factors.

First, let's break down the units:

- British thermal unit (BTU): A unit of energy, commonly used for measuring energy content in fuels.
- Pound (lb): A unit of mass.
- Rankine (R): A unit of temperature, similar to Fahrenheit but with absolute zero as the starting point.
- Pound force (lbf): A unit of force, defined as the gravitational force exerted on a pound mass.
- Foot (ft): A unit of length.
- Fahrenheit (°F): A unit of temperature commonly used in the United States.

The conversion from BTU/lb*R to lbf*ft/lb*°F involves the conversion of energy, mass, and temperature.

1. Convert BTU to lbf*ft:
Since 1 BTU is equal to 0.323832 lbf*ft, you would multiply the value in BTU by this conversion factor.

2. Convert Rankine to Fahrenheit:
Subtract 459.67 from the value in Rankine to convert it to Fahrenheit.

Note: The pound mass and pound force cancel out in this conversion.

To convert from lbf*ft/lb*°F to BTU/lb*R, you would reverse the above steps using the appropriate conversion factors.

It's important to use accurate conversion factors from reliable sources when performing such conversions.