what is an interrogative word

An interrogative word asks a question.

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I don't see WHY on that list: ¿por qué?

WHO could be singular or plural = ?quien? OR ¿Quiénes?


An interrogative word, also known as a question word, is a word used to introduce or begin a question. These words are used to request information or to seek clarification. Examples of interrogative words include "who," "what," "where," "when," "why," and "how."

To understand what an interrogative word is, you can start by examining key question words and their meanings:

1. Who: Used to inquire about a person's identity or someone's name.
2. What: Used to ask for information about an object, idea, or situation.
3. Where: Used to find out the location or place of something or someone.
4. When: Used to ask about the time or date of an event or occurrence.
5. Why: Used to understand the reason or purpose behind something.
6. How: Used to ask about the manner or way in which something happens or is done.

By using these interrogative words, you can form questions and explore different aspects of a topic or obtain specific details. For example, if asking about someone's occupation, you could use the question word "what" to ask, "What is your occupation?" or "What do you do for a living?"

Remember, using interrogative words is essential when seeking information and engaging in conversations that involve asking questions.