i need info. on the autumn equinox or atleast info on were to find good information on it plz...

The word "equinox" means equal nights in Latin. It's the day that there are about the same number of daylight as night hours. The autumn equinox occurs on September 21 or 22 in the Northern Hemisphere. As the Earth rotates, the equinox is when the sun appears directly over the Equator.

For more information, check this site.


o i got that part and thank you for trying ot elp but i need more

Did you read the article in Wikipedia that I linked? Please click the underlined blue letters to see a full encyclopedia article about the equinox.

kk thanks bye...

Certainly! The autumnal equinox marks the transition from summer to autumn in the northern hemisphere. During this time, the day and night are approximately equal in length. If you're looking for information on the autumn equinox, here's how you can find it:

1. Search Engines: Begin by using popular search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Simply enter "autumn equinox" in the search bar, and you'll find numerous articles, websites, and resources about it.

2. Online Encyclopedias: Websites such as Wikipedia often provide comprehensive explanations and details about various topics, including the autumn equinox. Visit their website and search for "autumn equinox" to access their content on the subject.

3. Astrological Websites: Astrology websites, like Space.com or EarthSky.org, usually share information about celestial events, including the autumnal equinox. They can provide scientific explanations, historical significance, and cultural traditions associated with this phenomenon.

4. Academic Resources: If you prefer more reliable and scholarly information, you can explore online academic databases and libraries such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, or your local university library website. These platforms often have scientific articles and research papers on various topics, including the autumn equinox.

5. Books: Consider finding books related to astronomy, seasonal changes, or cultural traditions. Libraries, bookstores, and online retailers like Amazon have vast collections of books covering the subject matter.

Remember to evaluate the credibility of the sources you find by assessing their reputation, author credentials, and referenced material. This will help ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information you seek.