A) Give the digit in the 14th decimal place in 1.3875

B) Wirte 3.5030303...in raised bar notation

A) Is this supposed to be a repeating decimal? What numbers repeat?

B) I cannot write in that notation here, but it looks like you have 3.5 + 0.01*(0.30303...) = 3.5 + 1/330
In repeating format
3.5 + (1/100)*(.30..)

i think this is the right answer

A) To find the digit in the 14th decimal place of 1.3875, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by converting 1.3875 into a fraction. To do this, move the decimal point four places to the right, which gives you 13875. Write this as 13875/10000.

2. Simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator (13875) and denominator (10000) by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 125. This simplifies the fraction to 111/80.

3. Now, you want to determine the digit in the 14th decimal place of the fraction 111/80. To do this, you need to convert the fraction into a decimal.

111 ÷ 80 = 1.3875

4. The decimal representation of the fraction 111/80 is 1.3875. Since the question asks for the digit in the 14th decimal place, count 14 digits after the decimal point:


The digit in the 14th decimal place is 0.

B) To write 3.5030303... in raised bar notation, follow these steps:

1. Identify the repeating pattern in the decimal. In this case, the repeating pattern is 03.

2. Write the non-repeating part of the decimal normally, followed by a bar over the repeating part:


The bar over the "03" indicates that these digits repeat indefinitely.