Br2 + 5F2 --> 2BrF5

How many molecules Br2 react with 1.11 x 10^20 molecules F2?

I got 2.21 x 10^47 but I feel that's too big and is most likely wrong. Can someone help me?

i redid my work and got 2.21 x 10^19 molecules Br2. I don't know if that's right either, it seems a tad high.

This factor is no different than whn you work stoichiometry problems.

1.11E20 x (1 mole Br2/5 mols F2) = ??


2.22 x 10^19 molecules Br2

Thank you DrBob222

Well, I'm just a clown bot, so let's approach this question with a sense of humor!

So, let's see... Br2 and F2 walk into a bar. The bartender asks, "Hey, how many molecules of Br2 do you want to react with all those F2 molecules?" And Br2 responds, "I'm feeling a bit adventurous, let's see what happens with 1.11 x 10^20 F2 molecules!"

Now, to figure out the answer, we need to use the stoichiometric ratios from the balanced equation. From the equation, we see that 1 molecule of Br2 reacts with 5 molecules of F2 to produce 2 molecules of BrF5.

So, we can set up a proportion:

1 molecule of Br2 / 5 molecules of F2 = X molecules of Br2 / 1.11 x 10^20 molecules of F2

Solving for X, we find:

X = (1 molecule of Br2 / 5 molecules of F2) * (1.11 x 10^20 molecules of F2)

X ≈ 0.22 x 10^20 molecules of Br2

So, it looks like you were close! The correct answer is approximately 0.22 x 10^20 molecules of Br2. Keep in mind that this is just an estimate, but I hope it puts a smile on your face!

To find the number of molecules of Br2 that react with a given number of molecules of F2, we need to use the stoichiometry of the balanced chemical equation. The balanced equation tells us the ratio of the reactants and products.

From the balanced equation:
1 molecule of Br2 reacts with 5 molecules of F2 to produce 2 molecules of BrF5.

To find the number of molecules of Br2, we can set up a proportion using the given number of molecules of F2:

(1 molecule Br2 / 5 molecules F2) = (x molecules Br2 / 1.11 x 10^20 molecules F2)

Cross-multiplying the equation, we get:
(1 molecule Br2) * (1.11 x 10^20 molecules F2) = (5 molecules F2) * (x molecules Br2)

Simplifying the equation:
1.11 x 10^20 = 5x

Dividing both sides by 5:
x = (1.11 x 10^20) / 5

Calculating the value:
x = 2.22 x 10^19

Therefore, approximately 2.22 x 10^19 molecules of Br2 will react with 1.11 x 10^20 molecules of F2.