I need a opening line which will grab my reader's attention right away.

Here are some examples:
*"I was on fire"
*"Everybody lies. cops lie. laywers lie. witnesses lie. victims lie."

I can't think of anything. Any suggestions?

Although I have no idea about what you're writing -- those examples are certainly attention grabbers.

Yeah, these are just examples. I am not writing anything. Teacher is just making us do this for fun. I can't think of any great opening lines from the top of my head, I seriously, really need help.

I want to create lines which will grab my reader's attention, and make them just stick to it. I already looked everywhere on the internet, and I'm still unable to think. I came up with a good one yesterday, but I toally forgot how it went, :-(

These ones are pretty lame, but how are they "I killed her" Or "Your times up""Ghosts exist"

This one is a good example as well: "By the time you read this, I hope to be dead."

Yep. All of those are good. But, it's difficult for me to come up with an attention grabber without having a subject.

The classic no-no for a beginning is "It was a dark and gloomy night . . ."

thanks, I like that one, it is good, how about if I give you the topic of aliens, and or something creepy/funny.

Here is an example of a funny one: Coraline discovered the door a little while after they moved into the house.

A creepy opening line would be good, but mainly I think that funny opening lines amuse peopple more, and catch better attention. I am trying to think of a funny one.

Sure! One effective way to grab your reader's attention right away is by using a thought-provoking opening line that piques their curiosity. Here's a suggestion:

"As the midnight shadows danced across the deserted streets, a mysterious whisper drifted through the air, promising secrets that would change everything."

To come up with attention-grabbing opening lines, consider these tips for brainstorming:

1. Start with a startling fact or statistic: Begin your piece with a surprising or shocking statement that immediately captivates your reader's interest.

2. Use vivid imagery or sensory details: Paint a vibrant picture in the reader's mind by employing descriptive language that engages their senses.

3. Pose a thought-provoking question: Ask a compelling question that sparks curiosity and encourages your reader to ponder the answer.

4. Create suspense or intrigue: Begin your piece with a mysterious event, unusual circumstance, or enigmatic character that leaves your reader eager to uncover more.

Remember, the key is to be creative and find a hook that aligns with the tone and theme of your writing.