Why should people be informed about teen suicide? ( I need like a stong reason It's a survey question that we have to ask different people. Thank you for helping me out)

People need to be informed about teen suicide to understand how widespread it is and what we possibly may do to prevent such disasters.

Thank You :)

One thing that struck me when teaching teens, is how families keep suicides quiet. Of the seven teens I taught who died in HS, 2 from car accidents, 1 from a lung disease, one from a hunting gun accident, and three were from suicide.

Not many would understand the percentage as that, nationally, it is about 12 percent, but I don't know how reliable that number is. Often, suicides are reported as accidental (overdoses, gunshots, car accidents).

We need to be informed about teen suicides because we need to prevent suicides from teens, kids and adults

People should be informed about teen suicide for several important reasons:

1. Prevention: It is crucial to raise awareness about teen suicide to prevent future tragedies. By educating people about the warning signs, risk factors, and available resources, we can help identify and support struggling teens before it's too late.

2. Early Intervention: Knowledge about teen suicide empowers individuals to intervene early when they notice signs of distress, enabling them to connect affected teens with the appropriate mental health professionals or support networks.

3. Breaking the Stigma: In many societies, mental health issues, including suicidal thoughts, are stigmatized, leading to silence and isolation for those who need help the most. By increasing awareness of teen suicide and openly discussing it, we can break down the stigma surrounding mental health, making it easier for teens to seek support without fear of judgment.

4. Support Network Creation: By spreading information about teen suicide, we encourage the creation of strong support networks at the community, school, and family levels. This support system is essential in providing the necessary understanding, compassion, and resources to teens struggling with mental health issues.

5. The Ripple Effect: When a young person dies by suicide, it affects not only their family and friends but also their entire community. Informing people about teen suicide helps them understand the impact it can have on individuals and communities, motivating them to take action and make positive changes.

To gather more perspectives and opinions on this matter, consider conducting a survey asking people about their reasons for supporting the importance of being informed about teen suicide.