Iam having trouble coming up with a thesis and Ineed help , the book i read

Ethan Frome and the essay topic "How does Mattie feel about Ethan"?

First of all, you have to decide what you think the answer to the question is.

Think about it and post what you think -- don't worry at first if it's in the form of a thesis statement or not -- just post what you think the answer to the question is.

Mattie develops a romantic passion toward Ethan

OK, now ... is that factual? That is, is this what happens in the story and can be proven by means of specific dialogue or other places in the text?

Jeff, I think you are on the right track with your thesis, if I remember the book correctly. Follow Writeteacher's advice developing your essay thesis.

Coming up with a thesis statement can be challenging, but I can help you through the process. In order to determine how Mattie feels about Ethan in the book "Ethan Frome," you need to analyze their interactions, dialogues, and any other relevant information from the book.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to develop a thesis statement:

1. Read the book: Make sure you have a clear understanding of the characters, the plot, and their dynamics. Pay close attention to the scenes and conversations that highlight Mattie's feelings towards Ethan specifically.

2. Identify key scenes: Look for significant moments where Mattie's emotions towards Ethan are explicitly stated or implied. This could include her facial expressions, body language, or any direct statements she makes about him.

3. Analyze Mattie's behavior: Consider how Mattie's actions and behavior portray her feelings towards Ethan. Does she show signs of affection, care, or empathy towards him? Does she seek his attention or go out of her way to spend time with him?

4. Consider dialogue: Pay attention to any conversations or exchanges between Mattie and Ethan. Do they share intimate or personal discussions? Does Mattie express her feelings towards him directly or indirectly?

5. Look for evidence: Gather specific quotes or passages from the book that support your analysis of Mattie's feelings towards Ethan. These pieces of evidence will serve as the foundation for your thesis statement.

6. Formulate your thesis statement: Based on your analysis of Mattie's interactions, behavior, and dialogue with Ethan in "Ethan Frome," you can now develop a thesis statement. It should be a concise and arguable statement that summarizes your interpretation of how Mattie feels about Ethan.

For example, a possible thesis statement could be: "In 'Ethan Frome,' Mattie's behavior, dialogue, and interactions with Ethan reveal a deep and genuine affection towards him, as evidenced by her consistent seek for his company, her selfless acts of sacrifice, and her longing for a romantic connection."

Remember, your thesis statement should be supported by evidence from the book. As you continue to develop your essay, make sure to provide specific examples and analysis to strengthen your argument.

I hope this step-by-step guide helps you develop your thesis statement effectively. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!