write an algorithm for each of these two problems in pseudocode.(20 points each)

Mrs. Smith is on a cruise to the Bahamas. On a rainy day, she decides to go to the casino bar and play blackjack. She pays a $5.00 cover charge to enter the casino bar. She plays at one table, doubles her money and tips the dealer $10.00. She goes again the next day, pays a $5.00 cover charge and doubles her money. After tipping the dealer $10.00, she runs out of money. How much money did she start with?

To determine how much money Mrs. Smith started with, we can use a simple calculation based on the information given. Here's an algorithm to solve the problem in pseudocode:

1. Start by defining the initial amount of money as `starting_money`.
2. Set `starting_money` as an initial guess, let's begin with 10 (you can adjust this later if needed).
3. Calculate the total amount of money spent in cover charges over two days: `total_cover_charges = 5 * 2`.
4. Calculate the total amount tipped to the dealer over two days: `total_tips = 10 * 2`.
5. Calculate the amount of money Mrs. Smith had left after the second day: `remaining_money = starting_money * 2 - total_cover_charges - total_tips`.
6. If `remaining_money` is greater than or equal to zero, increment `starting_money` by 10 and go to step 3.
7. If `remaining_money` is less than zero, subtract 10 from `starting_money` and go to step 3.
8. If `remaining_money` is exactly zero, the value of `starting_money` is the correct answer.
9. Print the value of `starting_money` as the final answer.

Ensure you input the values accurately into the algorithm and adjust the initial guess of `starting_money` if needed.