how do you simplify a problem like


Cancel the common factor 2x that appears in both numerator and denominator.

x = -30x/2x^2
= -(15*2x)/(2x*x)]
= -15/x

wait so it isn't the square root of 15?

Sorry, I did not notice that is was an equation. I was just rewriting the right hand side.

x would be the imaginary number
+ or - i sqrt15

To simplify the given problem: x = -30x / 2x^2, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the expression on the right-hand side of the equation.
-30x / 2x^2 can be simplifed as -15 / x.

Step 2: Set the expression on the right-hand side equal to the left-hand side.
So, x = -15 / x.

Step 3: Multiply each side of the equation by 'x' to eliminate the fraction.
x * x = -15.

Step 4: Simplify the equation and solve for 'x'.
x^2 = -15.

Step 5: Take the square root of both sides to eliminate the exponent.
√(x^2) = ±√(-15).

Step 6: Since the square root of a negative number is not defined in the real number system, the equation has no real solutions.
Thus, the solution to the given equation x = -30x / 2x^2 is "no solution" or "∅".