Soldiers wear this greenish fabric named by Persians and Hindus so they can't easily be seen.

"Is the answer khaki, kiosk, or camoflauge?"

The answer to your question is "khaki". Khaki is a type of fabric that has a greenish-brown color and is used in military uniforms. To find the answer to this question, you can use several strategies.

1. Use background knowledge: If you have prior knowledge about military uniforms or clothing, you may know that khaki is commonly associated with soldiers and camouflage.

2. Search the internet: You can use search engines to look up information about military uniforms and their colors. By searching for terms like "military uniform colors" or "fabric used in military uniforms," you can find information that supports the answer.

3. Use a dictionary or reference book: If you have access to a dictionary or a reference book about clothing and textiles, you can look up the term "khaki" to find its definition and its association with military uniforms.

By utilizing these strategies, you can confirm that the correct answer to your question is indeed "khaki."

Look these words up in a dictionary.