Do people sink or float Why

I assume you mean do people sink or float in water and why? Some sink, most float. Here is a site that offers some information. If you need further explanation, just ask. Perhaps I can find a more down to earth explanation.

i am am i supposed to know that but any how at the beach you can sink or float your choice.

People can both float and sink, depending on their overall density compared to the density of the liquid they are in, usually water. Whether an object sinks or floats is determined by its buoyancy, which is influenced by its density.

Density is defined as the mass of an object divided by its volume. If the density of an object is higher than the density of the liquid it is in, it will sink. If the object's density is lower than the liquid's density, it will float.

To understand why people can float or sink, we need to consider their overall density. The human body is made up of various tissues, muscles, organs, and bones, which have different densities. Additionally, people have air-filled cavities, such as lungs, which affect their buoyancy.

When a person floats, it means that their overall density is lower than the density of water. This can happen when a person takes a deep breath, filling their lungs with air. The air in the lungs decreases the person's overall density, allowing them to float. In addition, the human body is mainly composed of water, which has a similar density to water, so the person's body does not significantly affect their buoyancy.

On the other hand, a person might sink if they exhale or have a higher overall density than water. For example, if someone holds their breath, their lungs are filled with more dense air, increasing their overall density and causing them to sink.

It's worth noting that factors like body composition, body fat percentage, and bone density can also affect a person's ability to float or sink. Overall, it's a combination of the person's body composition, lung capacity, and their interaction with the density of the liquid that determines whether they will float or sink.