In 1991 the population of Kenosha, Wisconsin, was 132,000. Between 1991 and 1996, the population of Kenosha increased by approximately 2000 people per year

Use the model to estimate the population of Kenosha in 2006

To estimate the population of Kenosha in 2006, we can use the information provided about the population increase between 1991 and 1996.

First, let's calculate the population increase from 1991 to 1996. We know that the population increased by approximately 2000 people per year for a period of 5 years (1991-1996). So the total population increase during this time would be:

2000 people/year * 5 years = 10,000 people

Next, we need to add this population increase to the initial population in 1991:

Population in 1991 + Population increase = Population in 1996
132,000 + 10,000 = 142,000 people

Now, we can estimate the population in 2006 by using the same average annual increase of 2000 people:

Population in 1996 + (Annual increase * Number of years)
142,000 + (2000 people/year * 10 years) = 162,000 people

Therefore, the estimated population of Kenosha in 2006 would be approximately 162,000 people.