weekly salaries of 12,000 on Friday for a five day week ending assume the period will end on Tuesday and Wednesday?

12000 divided by 5 days is =2400x2=4800(tuesday)2400x3=7200

12000 divided by 5 days is =2400x2=4800(tuesday)2400x3=7200

To calculate the weekly salaries for the given scenario, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the daily salary of an employee.
Since the total weekly salary is $12,000 and it is given for a five-day workweek, we need to divide $12,000 by 5.
Daily Salary = $12,000 / 5 = $2,400

Step 2: Calculate the number of days until the end of the week.
Assuming the week ends on Wednesday, we need to consider how many days are left from Friday until Wednesday.
Days until Wednesday = 2 (Saturday and Sunday)

Step 3: Calculate the salaries for the remaining days.
Since there are 2 days left in the week, we multiply the daily salary by the number of days.
Salaries for the remaining days = Daily Salary * Days until Wednesday
= $2,400 * 2
= $4,800

Therefore, the salaries for the remaining days until Wednesday would be $4,800.