what are the independant and dependant variable definitions?


What are the "feature of life" as in the the statement- "the boy shot up 5"in only one year" ??

The independent and dependent variables are important concepts in the field of research and experimentation.

An independent variable is the variable that is deliberately manipulated or changed by the researcher during an experiment. It is called "independent" because it is not influenced by any other factors within the experiment. The researcher can control or set the values of the independent variable according to their research objectives. For example, if a researcher is investigating the impact of different fertilizers on plant growth, the independent variable would be the type or brand of fertilizer being used.

On the other hand, a dependent variable is the variable that is being observed or measured for any potential changes as a result of the manipulation of the independent variable. The value of the dependent variable is dependent on, or influenced by, the changes made to the independent variable. In our fertilizer example, the dependent variable could be the height of the plants, which would be measured to determine how much the growth was affected by different fertilizers.

To identify the independent and dependent variables in a study or experiment, you need to consider the following steps:

1. Identify the research question or objective: Clearly define what you want to investigate or measure.

2. Determine the factors: Identify the key factors that may have an impact on the research question.

3. Determine the manipulation: Decide which of these factors will be deliberately manipulated and classified as the independent variable.

4. Determine the observation: Identify the variable that will be observed or measured as the result of the manipulation of the independent variable. This variable becomes the dependent variable.

By following these steps, you can effectively identify and define the independent and dependent variables in any given study or experiment.