what is the property of this equation



should probably have been written
The equation demonstrates the associative property of addition.

The property at work in this equation is the distributive property.

The distributive property states that for any numbers a, b, and c:

a(b + c) = ab + ac.

In the given equation, the distributive property is used to simplify the expression on the right-hand side:

14(8 + 17) = 14*8 + 14*17.

The property demonstrated by this equation is the Associative Property of Addition.

The Associative Property of Addition states that the grouping of numbers being added together does not affect the sum. In other words, when you add three or more numbers together, you can group them in any way you like, and the result will be the same.

In the given equation, we have:

(14+8)+17 = 14(8+17)

To determine if this equation follows the Associative Property of Addition, we will simplify both sides of the equation and check if they are equal.

On the left side:
(14+8) = 22
22+17 = 39

On the right side:
(8+17) = 25
14 * 25 = 350

Since 39 is equal to 350, we can conclude that the equation holds true and demonstrates the Associative Property of Addition.