If a metal stays solid at Farenheit temperature below 1801.5 degrees. Determine ( in terms of an inequality) those Celsius temperatures for which the metal stays solid. Use the formula F= 9/5C+32.

Now I'm not sure what to do from here?

solve for C. subtract 32 from both sides and then multiply both sides by 5/9 and you should get C. then the inequality is any temp less than C (<C) keeps the metal solid.

im not 100% sure on the inequality part but i hope this helps...

So would the answer be: 1769.5=9/5C. Then take 5/9 * 1769.5=9/5C*5/9. C= 983.05555. Round to the nearest tenth. C<983.10 degrees. Is this right?

put this in the google search window:

1801.5 degrees F in degrees C

To determine the Celsius temperatures for which the metal stays solid, we can start by rearranging the formula F=9/5C+32 to solve for Celsius temperature (C).

1801.5 = 9/5C + 32

First, we can subtract 32 from both sides of the equation to isolate the term with C:

1769.5 = 9/5C

Next, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 5/9 to solve for C:

C = (1769.5)(5/9)

Simplifying further, we have:

C = 983.0556

Therefore, the metal stays solid at Celsius temperatures below 983.0556. In terms of an inequality, it can be written as:

C < 983.0556