Write the equation

an absolute value function is shifted up 2 units shifted right 3 units and horizontally stretched by 5

y= abs[5(x-3)] +2 try that

5 was circled and it said it was wrong i am confused thanks anyway

which equation is an absolute value graph shifted right 5

The equation of an absolute value function can be written as:

f(x) = a |x - h| + k

In this case, the function is shifted up 2 units, shifted right 3 units, and horizontally stretched by 5.

To incorporate the vertical shift, we set k = 2.
To incorporate the horizontal shift, we set h = -3.

The equation now becomes:

f(x) = a |x - (-3)| + 2

To incorporate the horizontal stretch by a factor of 5, we divide the absolute value expression by 5.

The equation is now:

f(x) = a |(x - (-3))/5| + 2

Therefore, the equation of the absolute value function that is shifted up 2 units, shifted right 3 units, and horizontally stretched by 5 is:

f(x) = a |(x + 3)/5| + 2