Lucy is an adolescent girl who has undergone hospitalization and treatment because of an illness. Although her friends had been supportive while she was hospitalized, things changed for Lucy when she returned to school. Lucy's illness delayed normal development. What is your role as an Educational Paraprofessional when dealing with these kinds of issues? According to the adolescent boy in the clip, how could an Educational Paraprofessional help Lucy? Based on what the boy has expressed about emotions, what do you think this boy's reaction might be to Lucy's illness, development, and her return to school?

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As an Educational Paraprofessional, your role would be to support students like Lucy in their educational journey. When dealing with these kinds of issues, your main objective would be to create a supportive and inclusive environment for Lucy to thrive in.

In the provided clip, the adolescent boy suggests that an Educational Paraprofessional could help Lucy by encouraging classmates to be understanding and supportive. This could involve organizing classroom discussions or activities that promote empathy and awareness about Lucy's situation. Additionally, they could assist in coordinating resources or accommodations to help Lucy catch up on missed coursework or adapt to any developmental delays she may have experienced.

Based on the boy's expressed emotions, it seems likely that he might feel empathy towards Lucy's illness and delayed development. He mentions feeling sympathetic and wanting to support her. This suggests that he would likely respond positively to Lucy's return to school and be sensitive to her needs.

However, it is important to note that individual reactions may vary, and it is crucial for an Educational Paraprofessional to address any potential negative reactions by educating students about Lucy's illness and promoting a culture of respect and inclusivity.