trains a and b are traveling in the same direction on parallel tracks. train a is traveling at 60 miles per hour and train b is traveling at 64 miles per hour. train a passes a station at 1:25 pm. if train b passes the same station at 1:55 pm, at what time will train b catch up to train a?

Let the time from 1:55 to when they meet be t hours

so when they meet:
train a has gone 30 + 60t miles
train b has gone 64t miles

64t = 30 + 60t
t = 15/2 or 7.5 hours = 7hours, 30 minutes

so the meet at 1:55 + 7:30 = 9:25 pm

check: first train went from 1:25 to 9:25 or 8 hours
distance = 8(60) = 480 miles
second train from 1:55 to 9:25 = 7.5 hours
distance - 7.5(64) = 480 miles


-9f + 7f - 17

To find out at what time train B will catch up to train A, we can calculate the time it takes for train B to cover the distance that train A has already traveled.

First, we need to determine the time difference between when train A passed the station and when train B passed the station.

Train B passes the station 30 minutes (or 0.5 hours) after train A.

Next, we can calculate the distance that train B has to cover to catch up to train A.

Since train A is traveling at 60 miles per hour for 0.5 hours, the distance it has traveled is 60 miles/hour * 0.5 hours = 30 miles.

Now, we can calculate how long it will take train B to cover the distance of 30 miles, given that it's traveling at a speed of 64 miles per hour.

The time it takes for train B to cover this distance is 30 miles / 64 miles per hour ≈ 0.46875 hours.

Finally, we can add the time difference (0.5 hours) between when train A passed the station and when train B passed the station to the time it takes for train B to catch up to train A (0.46875 hours).

So, the total time it will take for train B to catch up to train A is approximately 0.5 + 0.46875 ≈ 0.96875 hours.

To convert this time from hours to minutes, we can multiply by 60:

0.96875 hours * 60 minutes/hour ≈ 58.125 minutes.

Since the time will not be exactly on the hour, we can add the minutes to the time when train B passed the station.

Train B passed the station at 1:55 pm, and it will take approximately 58.125 minutes for it to catch up to Train A.

Adding these minutes to the current time:

1:55 pm + 58 minutes ≈ 2:53 pm.

Therefore, train B will catch up to train A at approximately 2:53 pm.