I Have No Idea What To Put For My Conclusion Of My Frankenstein Essay....

The Question For It Is Describe the significance of chapter five to the novel as a whole. Focus on the relevance and effect of the writer’s use of language to describe setting, characters and what it shows about the social and historical influence.
I Hope Someone Can Help Me!!!!!!!!

Not having read your paper, there's not much anyone here can do except suggest some websites that might give you some ideas:



Of course, I'd be happy to help you with your conclusion for your Frankenstein essay! Writing a strong conclusion can be challenging, but there are a few strategies you can follow to ensure you provide a cohesive and effective ending to your essay.

1. Summarize your main points: Begin your conclusion by summarizing the main ideas or arguments you discussed in your essay. This will help remind your readers of the key points you made throughout your paper.

2. Restate your thesis statement: Reinforce your thesis statement by paraphrasing it in a clear and concise manner. This will remind the reader of the focus of your essay and how your argument relates to the significance of Chapter five in Frankenstein.

3. Connect back to the introduction: Draw connections between your conclusion and the introduction of your essay. You can do this by revisiting the context you initially provided or by reflecting on any questions or statements you posed at the beginning.

4. Reflect on the significance of chapter five: In this part, emphasize the importance of Chapter five within the novel as a whole. Discuss how the writer's use of language to describe the setting and characters contributes to the overall themes of the story. Analyze how the chapter reveals the social and historical influences that shaped the characters' lives and choices.

5. Discuss broader implications: Expand your analysis to discuss the broader implications of the themes and topics explored in Chapter five. Consider the relevance of those ideas in the context of the novel as a whole, as well as their implications in today's society.

6. Leave the reader with a thought-provoking remark: End your conclusion with a strong and thought-provoking statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. This could be a final observation, a call to action, or a suggestion for further research.

Remember, your conclusion should be concise yet comprehensive, providing closure to your essay while leaving a lasting impact on the reader. Good luck with your essay!