In Scene 15 of the movie, what suggestion does Jamal Wallace take and continue to do with his writing?

This must have been his own ideas or Forrester must've told him about it.

To figure out the suggestion Jamal Wallace takes and continues to do with his writing in Scene 15 of the movie, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the movie: Determine the title of the movie where this scene occurs. This information will help find the specific details you're looking for.

2. Watch or rewatch the movie: If you have access to the movie, watch or fast-forward to Scene 15 to observe the events that unfold.

3. Pay close attention: In this scene, look for any dialogue, actions, or interactions that indicate a suggestion related to Jamal's writing. Take note of any significant details or quotes that stand out.

4. Analyze the scene: Reflect on the information you gathered from watching the scene. Consider the context, characters involved, and the overall storyline to understand the impact of the suggestion on Jamal's writing.

5. Look for references: Review any supplementary materials related to the movie, such as script excerpts, reviews, or interviews, that might shed light on the suggestion Jamal receives and continues to apply in his writing.

By following these steps, you should be able to determine the suggestion Jamal takes and continues to incorporate into his writing in Scene 15 of the movie.