Ken is about to eat a bag of M&M's on the 4th of July. The number of each color M&M is listed below.

Green 11
Red 8
Yellow 13
Tan 7
Brown 10
Blue 5

a)If Ken picks the first M&M out of the bag without looking. What is the chance he will pick a brown one to match his eyes?

b)What is the chance his first one will match a color in the America flag?

A.10 to 54 which simplifies to 5 to 27

B.13 to 54

Number of browns: Nb=10

Total number of M&M : N=11+8+13+7+10+5
Probability of picking a brown = Nb/N

Similar for the colours in the American flag:
Total number of blue & red: Nf=5+8
Probability : Nf/N

a. 1/10

b. 13/54


To get the answer, we need to calculate the probability of Ken picking a specific color M&M out of the bag.

a) To find the probability of Ken picking a brown M&M, we need to know the total number of M&M's in the bag.

The total number of M&M's in the bag is the sum of the number of M&M's of each color:
Total M&M's = 11 (Green) + 8 (Red) + 13 (Yellow) + 7 (Tan) + 10 (Brown) + 5 (Blue)

Once we have the total number of M&M's, we can calculate the probability of picking a brown M&M by dividing the number of brown M&M's by the total number of M&M's:

Probability of picking a brown M&M = Number of brown M&M's / Total number of M&M's

b) To find the probability of Ken picking a color that matches the colors in the American flag, we need to identify which colors represent the American flag. The American flag is represented by the colors red, white, and blue.

To calculate the probability of picking a matching color, we need to sum the number of M&M's that are either red or blue:

Number of matching colors = Number of red M&M's + Number of blue M&M's

Similarly, the probability is given by:

Probability of picking a matching color = Number of matching colors / Total number of M&M's

By plugging in the numbers, we can calculate the probabilities for both situations.