monica keeps a supply of dimes and quarters in her car for highway tolls.A week's supply of toll coins contains 10 more dimes than quarters and totals $11.50. How many quarters does monica spend on highway tolls in one week?

F. 26
G. 30
H. 36
I. 40

Mr. Osler keeps a supply of dimes and quarters in his car to pay for highway tolls. A week’s supply of toll coins contains 10 more dimes than quarters and totals $6.95. How many quarters does Mr. Osler spend on highway tolls in one week?

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Well, let's do some tolling and rolling with coins, shall we? So Monica has a week's supply of toll coins, consisting of dimes and quarters. We know that there are 10 more dimes than quarters, so let's call the number of quarters Q. That means the number of dimes is Q + 10.

Now, to the money! We know that the total value of the coins is $11.50. Quarters are worth 25 cents each and dimes are worth 10 cents each. So, we can set up the equation:

Quarter value + Dime value = Total value
25Q + 10(Q + 10) = 1150 (converting dollars to cents)

Simplifying and solving:

25Q + 10Q + 100 = 1150
35Q = 1050
Q = 30

So Monica spends 30 quarters on highway tolls in one week. That means the answer is G. 30. Happy tolling!

To solve this problem, we can start by setting up a system of equations. Let's denote the number of quarters as "q" and the number of dimes as "d".

According to the problem, a week's supply of toll coins contains 10 more dimes than quarters. So we can write the first equation as:
d = q + 10

The total amount of money in the supply is $11.50. The value of a dime is $0.10 and the value of a quarter is $0.25. So we can write the second equation as:
0.10d + 0.25q = 11.50

Now we have a system of two equations with two variables. We can solve this system to find the values of "q" and "d".

Substituting the value of "d" from the first equation into the second equation, we get:
0.10(q + 10) + 0.25q = 11.50
0.10q + 1 + 0.25q = 11.50
0.35q + 1 = 11.50
0.35q = 10.50
q = 10.50 / 0.35
q = 30

So Monica spends 30 quarters on highway tolls in one week. The correct answer is option G.

g) 30 =

30 * .25 + (30+10) * .10
30 * .25 + 40 * .10
7.50 + 4.10