with multiplying this:

I have:
8y^2(y^2-9)-9y(y^2-9)+3(y^-9) THEN
8y^2*y^2-9-9y*y^2-9+3*y^2-9.... THEN
8y^8 - 6 ???
I think that I am lost


= 72y^4 - 81y^3 + 27y^2 - 72y^2 + 81y - 27
(can you see what I did ?)
= 72y^4 - 81y^3 - 45y^2 + 81y - 27

(the y^2's were the only "like" terms )


I wrote the problem wrong...
Multiply (y^2)(8y^2-9y+3)
then go with the first part of my 'THEN'

Now it is easier

just multiply the y^2 by each of the terms inside

= 8y^4 - 9y^3 + 3y^2

All done, since none of the terms are "like"

and that's it??? That's right, it cannot be simplified b/c of no like terms!!!


You're on the right track, but there seems to be some errors in your calculations. Let's go through the steps of multiplying the expression correctly.

To multiply (9y^2 - 9) by (8y^2 - 9y + 3), you need to distribute each term in the first expression to each term in the second expression.

Step 1: Multiply the first term of the first expression (9y^2) by each term in the second expression (8y^2, -9y, 3):

(9y^2) * (8y^2) = 72y^4
(9y^2) * (-9y) = -81y^3
(9y^2) * (3) = 27y^2

Step 2: Multiply the second term of the first expression (-9) by each term in the second expression (8y^2, -9y, 3):

(-9) * (8y^2) = -72y^2
(-9) * (-9y) = 81y
(-9) * (3) = -27

Step 3: Now, combine all the terms you obtained:

72y^4 - 81y^3 + 27y^2 - 72y^2 + 81y - 27

Simplifying this expression further by combining like terms:

72y^4 - 81y^3 - 45y^2 + 81y - 27

So the correct simplified expression, after multiplying (9y^2 - 9) by (8y^2 - 9y + 3), is:

72y^4 - 81y^3 - 45y^2 + 81y - 27.